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We commissioned a group of Neurodivergent artists to create response pieces to the survey results and answers. This encompasses artwork, film, and poetry.

Photos, Videos and Poetry: Portfolio

A walk with a dog


Artist Sonja Zelic produced a video response, along with this piece of text: 

A walk with a dog is a video commissioned to respond to the Arts Council England funded Flow Observatorium survey, Kongress — Researching the barriers for Neurodivergent People in the Arts.

The arts environment seems to place huge emphasis on speech together with physical visibility. My inclination to make something that didn’t use speech/words was at odds with the importance of what was being said in respondents answers to the survey, and I wanted to include this in some way.

I have been experimenting with text to speech voices/apps because of my own history of difference/ambivalence/struggles around speech. The American voices (in a British context) and the AI-ness of the delivery seemed to echo the survey comment ‘my own sense of self gets completely lost’ 
I tried to avoid imposing meaning on the words via the visual content in the video.
The disjunction between images and words, and at times between voice and text both references and invites the human urge to create meaning. 

Photos, Videos and Poetry: Video

Interaction - Cos Michael


My focus may wander

any which way

but my words

mean what they say.

         Whereas with you

the meaning is less clear

you glare into my eyes

while your phrases

dance round your subject

         so I do not know

are you saying yes

          or did you mean no?




​Q4 response 32. ‘Networking. Hate it. Can’t do it’


I only ever had two ambitions, to act and to write. At 17, I went into theatre and loved the environment and the creativity of ensemble working. I was happy  and was told my work was good. But there was an invisible barrier. A director told me that at auditions, he knew within 20 seconds of meeting an actor, whether they were on the same wavelength. I was already acting as I walked in, so we could never jump that hurdle and I rarely got the part. I left the stage, feeling myself a failure. It was decades before I discovered I’m autistic and I realised there’d always been a barrier to instant communication. Now I write,  because creativity must be expressed. I still miss the theatre, but can never go back, because nothing has changed. So I want equality of opportunity across the creative arts.

Photos, Videos and Poetry: Text

Refracted through my prism- Cos Michael


I choose my colours once I’ve sniffed the morning sun

and send them up the pole to flag my state of mind

my dot dot dot dash sign to typicality

I can paint that

I clarify the rainbow as I trace your arc

hear a two stroke engine when you laugh

taste the flavour of your mood

I can pen your portrait

I weave the pattern of the hills at dawn

examine a blade of grass and follow the ants

smell pharaohs and eucalyptus leaves in hot sand

I can evoke the earth

I hear pebbles chatter as they surf the evening tide

birds flirting their harmonies in the branches

 rain, hammering a tattoo on a tin roof

I can play those tunes.




Q 6. Response 21. ‘Identification of abilities rather than disabilities.'

Photos, Videos and Poetry: Text
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