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Meet The Team


Flow Observatorium

Flow Observatorium is an equality and diversity charity, set up by Arts Council in 2017, that aims to become a national hub for, and led by, Neurodivergent people.
Through creative endeavour, FlOb (Flow Observatorium) support Neurodivergent people to make work, collaborate, and engage within society, the cultural sector and support the co-creation of attitudinal and physical ‘safe spaces’ for Neurodivergent people to lead fulfilled lives. 
We are campaigning for parity and fair play in all the various arenas in which neurodivergent people participate. As well as this, we collaborate with universities on academic papers, projects, and empirical evidence to support the advancement of Neurodivergent understanding, culture, and creativity.
We promote an attitudinal change in society and actively campaign for recognition of Neurodivergence as a distinct diversity category.  We especially challenge traditional attitudes towards autistic people, championing and encouraging autistic-led understanding and autistic informed access on their terms.


Threshold Studios Ltd

Threshold Studios Ltd is a not-for-profit creative media organisation working with new and emerging technologies; specialising in the production and exhibition of digital, moving image and public realm works.
Established in 1998, Threshold Studios is a social enterprise and an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation, enabling partnerships across the arts, digital and creative media industries, the public sector, grassroots communities and higher education.
We are committed to talent and skills development in all that we do. Through our Creative Engagement, Public Programme and Talent and Development, we nurture emerging talent and devise initiatives to offer routes into the arts and media industries, with a particular focus on those from diverse backgrounds and those who are currently under-represented in these industries.


Dan Thompson

Dan is an award-winning social artist, writer, and speaker living in Margate. His work is about people and places, and the stories that connect them. He is interested in the creation of social capital, in activating abandoned or underused spaces, and in DIY approaches to art, culture and social action. Dan often starts work with a crowdsourced exploration of a place, or with archives or collections relating to a place or topic. His work often touches on themes of migration in the UK.


Jon Adams

Jon is both a contemporary Artist, advocate and researcher. He makes a variety of work in many differing media often referencing his autism, synaesthesia and dyslexia, all interwoven with history, science, time and his past experiences. He's shown in galleries such as Royal Academy, Tate Modern and been commissioned by many arts and science organisations including projects for Parliament, London 2012 and on stage. He advocates for the rights of Neurodivergent people to fully access the arts, funding, health care and relevant research. 

Meet the Team: Meet the Team
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Thank You

We'd like to thank our commissioned artists: Sonia Boue, Cos Michaels, Ellie Tait, Sonja Zelic, and Barry Hale for the incredible work they produced and the wealth of knowledge they provided us, informing and enriching this project.  â€‹


As well as this, we'd like to thank all those who took the time to respond to our surveys. This provided us with the vital qualitative and quantitative data that made Kongress so important. 

We couldn't have done it without you. 


Meet the Team: Philosophy

In addition, we'd like to thank Arts Council England for funding this project, giving support where needed and allowing this crucial project to go ahead through these trying times.

Meet the Team: Philosophy
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